Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wreckage of Reason

"The Blue Girl"
I think "The Blue Girl" is quite interesting. It brings in a lot of funny, quirky detail that really paints a picture. The descriptions of the blue girl first make me wonder if it is some kind of disease; however, near the end I realize she is something from science-fiction. I'm also curious about the attitudes towards this girl and how the adults react. Are they so close-minded that they'd let a girl die, or do they know something the reader doesn't? I think this would definitely wear better as a novel as stated in the end--there is too much mystery to make it interesting. I understand the purpose of mystery in short stories, but this left too much to the imagination to the point that I don't really care what happens next.

As I started reading this, I immediately thought poem. This is definitely suited to be a poem. As the story went on, it reminded me of late night ramblings that occur in my head. Making odd connections, like between the word 'word' and the word 'tongue.' It also reminded me of the Linguistics class I'm taking; 'Word' is a a group of sounds that have at least one made touching the tongue to the top of the mouth. There are also more subtle connections the author makes in this story. I like how it starts impersonal, develops to very personal, and then flies away to be a bit distant again. It was nice a short, and wasn't overfilled with details.

"Until the Reparations"
This story brings me back to a trip to Chicago. My family and I went and got two huge pizzas, thinking we were ordering the same quantity as if we were home. We barely ate half of one, so we decided to give the whole other pizza to a homeless man. He thanked us, but didn't look too happy. He smelled like booze. We went shopping a little bit and returned to the same street; the man had stashed away our pizza and still held a sign that said, "I'm hungry" with a cup full of change. I didn't really find any personal connection--besides that memory--with this story because it didn't have much purpose in it. It's basically just an anecdote of a homeless person. I didn't really get into it because of that. The detail was okay, but the plot was just awful.

1 comment:

  1. Really great responses here the past few weeks, well done, keep going!
